

Agent Scanning

Account for All Your IT Assets with Easy Discovery and Scanning Techniques

Access systems from the remote network, regardless of location. The agent also helps you connect remotely to take control of a screen in seconds.

Asset Scanning Software

 No more environment complexities like opening ports, switching off firewalls, enabling WMI, to scan your assets. Get the inventory of every asset on your network independent of their location. The agent method reduces the complexity of the environment and saves time spent on configuring to discover assets.


  • Easy to install, learn and use.
  • Scan beyond environment barriers.
  • Discover remote network accurately.

Distributed Asset Scan

With the new distributed asset scan - data push feature, you can scan the remote network with the asset explorer probe which discovers the whole network and pushes the data automatically to the central server. Every time the remote network is scanned, it has the intelligence to just send the changes happened from the previous scan.



  • Discover remote assets without end user intervention.
  • Inventory Changes updated automatically to the central server.

Features and Capabilities of Manage Engine Service Desk Plus System

  • No. 22, Zeytoon Building, Javaheryan St., Sattari Expy, Tehran, Iran
  • +9821 - 449 78 699
  • +9821 - 446 28 335
  • +98 - 930 584 2566
  • Info @ TaksaSystem.com

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